“Perusahaan kami telah berpengalaman Lebih dari 20 tahun pengalaman di bidang layanan penyedia outsourcing dengan Perusahaan Multinasional dalam berbagai bisnis di bidang perbankan, telekomunikasi, rumah sakit, stasiun televisi, perdagangan, dan perusahaan jasa;
Bukti kinerja atas kualitas manajemen adalah dengan diterbitkanya laporan keuangan audited independen, dan sertifikasi ISO 9001-2015 oleh Sucofindo; Menyediakan Kesehatan & Keselamatan Lingkungan (OHSAS) ISO 9001-2008 oleh Standar Global, ISO 14001 – 2015 Environmental Management System, ISO 45001 – 2018, Sertifikat SMK3
Didukung oleh tim manajemen yang solid dan berpengalaman penuh dengan kemampuan menangani lebih dari 7000 karyawan di seluruh Indonesia
Visi & Misi
Menjadi Perusahaan Integrated Management Services Terkemuka, bertaraf internasional dan merupakan mitra terpercaya yang memberikan nilai tambah dan kepuasan pelanggan
- Providing quality Integrated Facility Management Services services that are supported by professional and competent of HR Services.
- Providing the best results through excellent service to meet the satisfaction of stakeholders.
- Develop job opportunities and provide ongoing training that is beneficial to the wider community.
Statement of Compliance
We are committed to comply with prevailing rules and regulations pertaining to the operations and businesses where our establishment is registered, including our overseas operations where different Law and code of conducts may be applied in addition to the regulations of the home country, the Law of Republic of Indonesia.
Equal Opportunity
We value equal opportunity to work in our company on the basis of skills, competence and terms and conditions set out by the company. We do not discriminate employee based on their race, color of skin, gender and faith. We provide equal rights and opportunity for women and personnel from local area where our business is operational.
Corporate Values
- Customer Oriented,
- Integrity,
- Commitment to Excellent,
- Proffessional,
- Collaboration,
- Resilient,
- Good Corporate Citizen.
We value the “7 Core Principles” as the fundamentals of our culture.
- Honesty
- Responsibility
- Visionary
- Discipline
- Teamwork
- Fairness
- Care
Awards & Recognitions
- Citibank – The Largest Labor Provider for Citi Telesales Unit (2006 – 2010)
- Citibank – Awarded CCO Trophy – for category “The Best Recruitment 2008” as Authorized Direct Sales Agency Citibank NA Card Sales Distribution
- Citibank – The Best National Direct Sales Agency in 2009 for Citibank NA Card Sales Distribution
- Citibank – The Highest Sales Volume Booking in 2009 for Citibank NA Consumer Finance Division
- Tax Office – Authorized as “Wajib Pajak MADYA” since April 2008 by KPP Madya Jakarta Selatan
- Huawei – The Best Huawei Regional Partner in Telecommunication Services 2012
- Survey Kepuasan Pelanggan tahun 2019
- Survey Kepuasan Pelanggan tahun 2020
- Certificate of Excelence Krakatau Posco 2018
- Certificate of Excelence Krakatau Posco 2019
- Certificate of Excelence RMH & Sinter Plant 2018
- Certification COVID-19 Self Management PT. Krakatau Posco 2021
- Icon Plus The Best Contact Center (Pak Oki)

+7.000 Tenaga Profesional

Sistem Logistis Terpusat

Perusahaan Berpengalaman >20 Tahun

Sistem Pelayanan terintegrasi